Monday, September 27, 2010

Women: Gender equality or inequality

What do you think about gender equality? Does woman has equal rights with man?
This article is written to unveil the truth behind women's right in different religion.


In Buddhism, it is preached of equality. In the Sutra of Complete Enlightenment, it is said that all sentient beings are to be Buddha by nature. Attaining enlightenment and becoming a Buddha is merely understanding the way of the nature and universe.

Thus, in Buddhism, man and woman are equal in nature. However, in practical, they are not the same. Down to the fundamentals, physically and emotionally, they are different. The question is, how there can be equality then?

Men are physically stronger, therefore they have the responsibility of hard work and earning for the family. Women on the other hand, are much detailed and caring, therefore they hold the responsibility of taking care of the family. Their status are equal but responsibilities are different.

There is parable in the Lotus Sutra. A 8 year old female dragon (female i.e. woman and in the animal realm), who was wise and sharp, listened to the dhama preached by Buddha. She attained enlightenment and achieve Buddhahood when she presented a jewl to Buddha as an offering there and then. Some attendees of the dharma talk disbelieved and were unhappy about her achievement.

They questioned of her capability of attaining Buddhahood. Being a woman, and being a child, it is impossible to attain Buddhahood at the blink of an eye while Buddha had been through many eons of cultivation before attaining enlightenment. Bodhisattva Manjusri explained the equality of man and woman on the path of Buddhahood as to preach to Sariputta who was having an unequal mind and discrimination on woman. The dragon girl in the end proved her enlightenment by transforming into a boy and left on a lotus to other world.


With the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the occidental countries, women are treated equally and given voting rights etc.

However, in the bible, I would say it to be a little male-oriented. I would like to clarify that the bible and teachings might be suitable for the culture during those era while the fundamental of doing good still remains the same (e.g. Worship one God, love your neighbors, honor your parents etc).

Some verse actually suggest that women are inferior to men.

Leviticus 12:1-5
Giving birth of a boy causes the mother to be unclean for seven days while given birth to a girl makes her unclean for two weeks.

1Cor 14:34-35
It is disgraceful for woman to speak in the church.

1Timothy 2:11-14
It calls for women to be submissive to man and put the blame of eating the forbidden fruit on Eve alone.


However in Islam, we are often mislead by the media with perception of Islam equals terror, abusing women and polygamous.

With an open mind, if we look into the message brought by Prophet Muhammad and the prophets conduct as role model, Islam is a religion of peace and treats women with high respect and gave them equal rights.

In the 114 books of the holy Quran, there is book named "Women" (Surah 4- An-Nisa). A chapter in the book dedicated to women!

In this book, it tells the men to respect women as they are created equal in the eyes of God.
Rather than blaming Eve for the deceit (Genesis 3:12) and God punished the Eve first (Genesis 3:16), the Quran (Surah 7:23) tells us that both Adam and Eve repented and asked for forgiveness from God. They are equally responsible for disobeying God.

In Islam, women shares equal rights as men. They are to inherit an equal share of properties left by their parents, sharing among sons and daughters. Men are made to be the protectors and maintainers of women (Surah 4:34).

Contrary to the bible saying women should be silent, women opinions are as important as men. Surah 4:19 tells us that men are forbidden to inherit women against their will (meaning women have a say!) and should not treat them with harshness.

About the Mother of Jesus, Islam had given the highest utmost respect to women. Surah 3:42 says that Allah has chosen Mary, purified Mary, and chosen her above the women of all nation. Such great respect was not mentioned in the bible. Furthermore, a chapter in the Quran (Surah 19- Maryam) was named after the mother of Jesus, dedicating it to the mother of a powerful messenger of God.

Many claims that Islam is a religion where polygamy is allowed. Yes it is.
Surah 4:3 says that men can marry women of their choice, two or three, or four.
However, the revelation given is not because of lust of men, but the responsibility given to men to take care of women who are of the weaker sex. Furthermore, Islam is the only religion, in its holy book, stating that if a man are not able to deal justly between his wives, he should only marry ONE.

It is argued that Prophet Muhammad had 13 wives and suing him to be lustful. However, Prophet Muhammad had only ONE wife and the married again after the death of his first wife (Khadijah) and had taken other wives for political reason to spread the gospel. Before Islam was spreaded, polygamy was normal and women are treated as items. If the Prophet really was lustful, he could had married more at his younger age, but he was faithful to his wife.

Abu Hurairah(RAA) reported that a man asked: "Messenger of Allah, who is most deserving of friendly care from me?" He replied: "Your mother" He asked who came next and he (the Prophet) replied: "Your mother." He asked who came next and he replied: "Your mother." He asked who came next and he replied: "Your father" (Bukhari and Muslim). Thus the Prophet(SAW) gave three times as much weight to the mother as to the father when it comes to good treatment from a child.

Mother (woman) is given so much respect in Islam.

As a conclusion, I would like to say that man and woman are EQUAL in the eye of God but DIFFERENT only in responsibility.

-Proper faith-

Friday, September 24, 2010

Arise and Step Up!

Guess this is my first time writing a post on Properfaith. :D

I am from Christian Fellowship of Segi College Subang Jaya. Recently we had a joint CF Camp consisting of students from 3 of our campuses, namely Segi Kota Damansara, Segi KL and also Segi Subang at PeaceHaven Genting Highlands. Our theme was Arise and Step Up. We invited Pastors Alex and Shaun from Eagle Point Church to deliver the message during camp.

What I would like to share here today was the message that was delivered.

The Lord always has a plan for our lives. No matter how you plan, if its not according to the Lord's plan, things will never go well. Eventhough this is said, we must never sit around, idle. God never uses an idle mind. He uses an active mind and the people that we least expect it. The Lord works mysteriously in every one of us and in every way. We may be guided away from our plans gently by His hands and we wont know it at all. The Lord always has a Bigger plan for us and it will lead us to something similiar or something even better than that of our original plan.

People always have fears. They fear of being laughed at. They fear of being left out. They always have the thought of 'I am so small, what can I do?' All these are factors that are keeping people from rising and stepping up for the Lord.
It does not matter if we start small. No matter how small, it has the capability to make a difference. As the Lord had said, ''if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you alone can move mountains'' A mustard seed is extremely tiny. We as an individual have the capability to make a difference. As long as we do not give up trying, as long as we ourselves do not let our fire for God die down, we can continue to make a difference no matter how much time it takes us.

There are 3 main principles to keep in heart.
Conviction not Convenience
Its never about convenience but about conviction. Do not have a don't care attitude about things. Doing things out of convenience sake is never a good thing.

Truth not Trends
Make your decisions based on the truth and not by following trends. By following trends, means that you are following the trends set by others not the truth that is set before you.

Purpose not Popularity
Decisions that brings us closer or further away from God. Also, the Lord tells us to respect and honor other people.

Besides this, there were also a testimony from a friend of the Pastors, who stated that how broken his life was after a certain incident and it slowly began to piece back together after he accepted Christ. Now he is serving in the Campus Ministry, helping others to see that they too can make a difference. They too can Arise and Step Up for the Lord, just as he has done.

It is never too late, or too early or too small to Arise and Step Up.

-Proper faith would like to thank this post by Ms Jigoku Shoujo-

Ghost? Christianity vs. Buddhism (Part 6)

Ghost? A dialog among Buddhist, Catholic and Christian (Christian and Catholic point of view, author's comment)

-This would be last post of the dialog-

Throughout the talk, Pastor Enoch and Father Huang had kept their speeches easy-to-understand for the non-Christian faith followers.

Pastor Enoch had pointed out that it is important to understand between medical condition and paranormal activities.

#1 Ghost. Angel or Demon?

According to Pastor Enoch and Father Huang, ghost can be either be good or evil. Good ghost is called an Angel while evil ghost is called a Demon. Demons are fallen angels. Lucifer rebelled against God and was casted down to hell. He purpose is to lead man astray and away from God, using either fear or delusion.

Angels were created to serve man (Genesis 24:40) and not to be worshipped . He who is worthy of praise and worship is God alone (Deuteronomy 4:19). In the Quran 3:64 and Mark 12:28-31 emphasized that there is no commandment greater than worshipping God and only God. Worship no angel, no man, no idol but God alone.

Fear. Fearing demon possession and paranormal attacks, people starts to give offerings to the demon. Indirectly fear is bringing us to him, worshipping the rebel of God.

Delusion. Delusion is the biggest problem we will ever face. Satan will deceive us using wondrous miracles, powers and authority. In 2 Cor 4:4, it is said that the Satan blinded us to be astray from God.

How do we identify God? Have you ever seen faith healing, praying in the name of Jesus Christ heals many sickness and done wondrous miracles in transforming people's life? Even false gods, false prophets, false Christ are able to perform miracles, how are we to be spared.

With strong faith, even without the blessing from God, miracles can happen. Jesus said in Mark 5:34, faith has healed the bleeding woman (Story can be found in Mark 5:25-34). Faith alone can do miracles, thus the devil misuses the name of Jesus (Matthew 7:22) to perform miracles and disguise themselves as the living Christ (Matthew 24:24). Satan is the master of deception, therefore, beware even if they claim that they are the loyal followers of Christ and prayed in the name of Jesus Christ. Not all churches are the true follower of Jesus Christ. We were warned.

#2 Avoiding contacting the spirits

Pastor Enoch Lam warn us about contacting the spiritual realm. People who provokes the spiritual realm are prone to be possessed or encounter paranormal activities. Why should we, rather than inviting the righteousness in to our life, we invite the devil?

Even Confucius said in Analects, 敬鬼神而远之, respect the gods and supernatural but do not befriend with them.

#3 Attitude towards ghost

Pastor Enoch Lam also expressed that as Man, we should not be the servant of devils (ghosts/fallen angels).

He gave a very earthly example. Before entering the hotel room, most superstitious act done was to knock and to "inform" the ghost in the room that you will be sharing a room with them and plead for forgiveness for intruding. THIS IS WRONG! Why should we be afraid of them? In earthly view, we PAID for the room. The ghost is the one should leave the room and let the rightful owner to reside in it.

Amazing story told yet spoken with authority. We should be awaken. We are created with the breath of the Lord. We are the blessed creation on earth.

afterword by the author
I would like to thank all the readers who had followed all the post regarding this little dialog I attended. I hope I was able convey the message brought by the two venerable monks who represented Buddhism, Pastor Enoch Lam representing Christianity and Father Huang representing Catholicism.

I hope my humble comment and addon were able to bring you to a better understanding towards Buddhism and Christianity. If you have futher questions about Buddhism and Christianity, please send them to I will try my very best to find the answers to your questions.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ghost? Christianity vs. Buddhism (Part 5)

Ghost? A dialog among Buddhist, Catholic and Christian (Christian and Catholic point of view as heard by the author)

-This is the 4th post of the dialog-
It has been a week since the dialog, memory is fading. I'll try my best to recall with the help of my notes.

The dialog started with Venerable Hui Xuan, Father Huang, Pastor Enoch and ended with Venerable Chang Hui

Pastor Huang started his speech after Venerable Hui Xuan

In Catholicism , we can categorize ghost into two the good and the evil. When Lucifer rebeled against God, he was banished from Heaven and casted into Hell. From thereon, the good ghost we call them angel, while the evil one is known as demon.

To be truthful, when I was a young boy, I was afraid of ghost. Not because I had ever seen a ghost, it was because the illusion and perception generated. During my schooling days, the toilet was rumored to be haunted. Although no one ever confirmed the existence of ghost there, the seculded toilet from the main building which had an eerie dark environment encouraged every one to think so. We fear because we do not see.

About exorcism or repelling evil spirit, we use the holy water, which has been sanctified by a priest of bishop.

Pastor Enoch continued after Father Huang

Ghost, in Christianity, is viewed as evil spirit sent by the devil. The devil existed for two purposes, to cast fear into us and to confuse us from the path of the righteous.

As the ghost has no form, it takes form to your greatest fear or greatest earthly attachment to mislead you. For example, they can transform to take form of your parents, relatives and friends to lead you astray. For example in Hong Kong, during paranormal discussion, people who encountered paranormal activities sighted the ghost as to be in long hair, white robe and floating. This, however, is a typical TVB (Hong Kong television) ghost.

Being possessed by evil spirit is another grave problem. However, we should clarify whether the victim is really possessed and in need to exorcism or he/she is suffering schizophrenia which in need of medical care. Both being possessed and schizophrenia show very very similar symptoms. As a rule of thumb, being possessed will show supernatural activities. For example, possessed and schizophrenia victims hear voices (asking them to commit suicide etc), but possessed victims will do supernatural activities such as maybe perform a few somersaults while he/she was not capable of doing so before possession.

Pastor Enoch also stated that people who are prone to paranormal activities are people who invite such or born with such capability. Playing Ouija board, tarot cards etc are ways to attract ghost to you.

He also told a story about a girl who played the kokkuri (spirit communication via board) which attracts a spirit to follow her home. However, she became friends with the spirit. The spirit even took care of her when she was sick. One day, the spirit asked her to commit suicide. The spirit became very pushy. The girl went to Pastor Enoch and she invited Christ into her life and the spirit left.

Pastor Enoch also gave a few example of paranormal encounters such as haunted hotel and what kind of attitude we should have if encounter ghost in the hotel room.

Pastor Enoch too emphasized that angels were created to serve man. Fallen angels (demon) want us to serve them instead. Since we are created to be above angels, why should we be afraid of them.

To avoid being disturb by paranormal activities, invite Christ in your life and with the Lord on the throne, no evil spirit may delude you.

(Hope this is as close as possible to the dialog on that day. Please forgive if there are any things left out or added on. If you have a better overview, please email it to

-Proper faith-

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ghost? Christianity vs. Buddhism (Part 4)

Ghost? A dialog among Buddhist, Catholic and Christian (Buddhist point of view, author's comment)

-This is a post in response to the talk by Buddhism representatives-

After listening to the speech given by Venerable Hui Xian and Venerable Chang Hui, they are many good points for us to ponder.

#1 Ghost are one of the sentient beings in the six domains of the desire realm

In Buddhism, it is viewed that all sentient beings possesses the seed to Buddhahood. It is just a matter of acheiving enlightenment.
Yang CiGong: "Without desire, will not I be born in desire realm; without enlightened mind, will not I achieve Nirvana'

I would like to be given the opportunity to talk about the Six Domains of the Desire Realm. In the desire realm, we have Heavenly realm, Asura realm, Human realm, Animal realm, Preta (hungry ghost) realm and Hell realm.
To be reborn into one of these realms, it follows one's karma.

Heavenly realm - able to hold firm to the ten precepts
Asura realm - able to hold firm to the ten precepts but with mindful of anger and jealousy
Human realm - able to hold firm to the five precepts
Animal realm - dominated by ignorance
Preta realm - dominated by greed
Hell realm - dominated by hatred

#2 Spreading the gospel to ghost?

As mentioned above, ghost in Buddhism, is one of the sentient beings in the Preta Realm. It is mentioned by the two representatives of Buddhism in the dialog that we should treat them with compassion and lending them a helping to leave the realm.

The question is how?
By virtue and kind conduct with the recitation of the sutra and counseling, merits can be transferred and becomes a helping force to deliver the ghost from its suffering.

The problem lies with, it is easier said than done.

Similar to prayers, reciting sutras may generate a good merits. However, without proper understanding of the recitation as well as without a pure kind heart and virtues, those merit will not formulate. Reciting sutra will be just like reading any other books/magazines/newspapers if its recited with a superstitious mind or craving for merits.

It is by their sin for they fall into the lower realm. Spreading gospel to the ghost is similar compared to spreading gospel to other human beings. It is to preach repentance.

I would suggest the repentance is defined as the following:
i) To know of a sin
ii) To confess the sin
iii) To refrain from commiting again
All these three must be present. If you know not a sin, you may not confess it. If you confess not a sin, you may not refrain from commiting it. If you refrain not from sinning, it becomes pointless to knowing or confessing it.

#3 It's from the heart

In Buddhism, it preaches that we change not the environment but our heart and precepts.
"What you think you become" -Buddha-

By cultivating unholy thoughts, we invite unholy incident. In this sense, it is also psychological work.

For example, staying in a eerie place, if you fear of paranormal activities, your mind will play tricks on you.

Pastor Enoch Lam gave a good example to explain this point. "If you are afraid of ghost, there is only one solution, invite Lord JesusChrist into your life."

In Christian and Buddhist point of view, Pastor Enoch Lam is right.
Rather than filling your heart and mind with fear and ghostly images, creating a loophole for the demon to invade your heart to lead you astray, you invite God into your life and fill your heart with the glory of God. Thus, it leaves not even a crack for the demon to ambush our soul and mind.

#4 Muslim ghost??

As mentioned in my previous post, Venerable Chang Hui apologized if there are any Malays attending the talk before expressing about the fasting ghost.

There many things that we should clarify.

a) Almost every Malay in Malaysia is of Islamic faith but there are also Chinese and Indians who are muslims.

b) The Ramadhan is a month whereby Muslims refrain themselves from eating, drinking and sexual relations from dawn until dusk. It is a holy month intended for Muslim to cultivate patience, humility and spirituality.

Bear in mind, most of ghost-feeding ceremony (放蒙山) is done in the evening. Even if there are Muslim ghosts (which there are not supposed to be any) going after your earthly food, they are allowed to eat. It is halal to break fast after Magrhib (sun-set prayers).

c) Muslim believe that the present life is a trial in preparation for the next realm of existence

And they say, "There is not but our worldly life; we die and live (i.e. some people die and others live, replacing them) and nothing destroys us except time." And they have of that no knowledge; they are only assuming. And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, their argument is only that they say, "Bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful." Say, "God causes you to live, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt," but most of the people do not know.
-Quran, 45:24-26-

Surely God will raise all the dead. But God has His own plan of things. A day will come when the whole universe will be destroyed and then the dead will be resurrected to stand before God. The day will be the beginning of a life that will never end, and on that day every person will be rewarded by God according to his or her good or evil deeds


d) When you claim that you saw Muslim ghost eating/fasting for your food (or even any ghost), was it a claim made with evidence where there are eye-witnesses?

#5 Ullambana vs. Chinese Ghost Festival

This is something that every Buddhist, especially Chinese should know of the difference between Ullambana (盂兰盆会) and Chinese Ghost Festival.

Chinese Ghost Month falls on the seventh month of the lunar calender. The fesitval is held on the 14th day of the month. During this month, it is said that the hell gates open and unleashed all the deceased to go back to the living for food and offerings, revenge etc. During this month, it is claimed (although no formal statistic by any institution, especially the bureau of statistic) that many supernatural and ghost encounters happen. During this unholy month, Chinese burn offerings and refrain from staying out at night. Buddhism which caught into this local practice too offers food to the deceased and holds many ceremony for the dead, whether to deliver them from hell/Preta realm or to feed them.

Ullambana should never be mistaken nor be explained parallel with the Ghost Festival. Although the Ullambana Sutra was preached by the Buddha during the seventh month to instruct his disciple Mahamauggalyayana on how to obtain liberation for his mother in the lower realm, it is different from the Chinese practice.

Ullambana is in the rainy season of summer, whereby Buddha disciples who were sent out to preach, comes back to the forest to be united with the sangha to celebrate the completion of their meditation, reporting their progress to the Buddha as well as Q&A session for the difficulties they encounter while preaching.

The reason Ullambana was set to be during the rainy season comes from the compassionate nature of Buddha towards the living beings who comes out of the earth after the rain. As people of that time travel on foot, it is advisable for the travelling disciples to stay at one place to avoid stepping (accidental kill) on those little living creatures.

Number of monks who attained enlightenment during that period was high and thus it is a joyful day for Buddhist. In Buddhism point of view, the seventh month can be consider the month of joy, contrary to a eerie feeling that Chinese gives it.

To attend such inter-faith dialogs, one should be well prepared and well educated in their own religious study as well as doing sufficient research in other religion (e.g. the Holy Bible, the Holy Quran, the Puranas etc) in order to effectively deliver the message through.

Poor preparation will give others a poor impression on your side as you are chosen to be representing the whole of your community. A very good example of a good inter-faith dialog speaker, Ahmed Deedat. Google up.

-Proper faith-

Ghost? Christianity vs. Buddhism (Part 3)

Ghost? A dialog among Buddhist, Catholic and Christian (Buddhist point of view as heard by the author)

-As posted in my previous updates, I attended the talk about "ghost" hosted at Sin Chew Jit Poh-

(I will try my best to recall the whole talk with the help of notes taken)

The dialog started with Venerable Hui Xuan

Ghost. In the Buddhism view, ghosts are one of the sentient beings in the Preta Realm. We treat all sentient beings with compassion, especially those who fell into the three lower realm. Rather than exorcising them, as a Buddhist, we try to spread the gospel of Buddha to them, guiding them to the path of enlightenment. By preaching to ghost, with a compassionate heart, we are able to help them to lighten their suffering and encourage them to leave their current state to be reborn to a higher realm.

Thus, we should not discriminate ghost for they are just like us. Due to their sins and bad karma, they are reborn into the lower realm.

However, in most cases, your encounter what you think. Everything is from your preception and thinking. With evil thoughts and cultivation, we attract evil spirits. We shall practice the noble path (修行) in order to avoid interference from the evil spirits.

After Venerable Hui Xuan, Father Huang DaHua continued, follwed by Pastor Enoch Lam and then Venerable Chang Hui
(Christian and Catholic point of view will be posted in the next post)

Venerable Chang Hui expressed that she felt pressured after a very interesting yet informative speech given by Pastor Enoch Lam. She added on to the speech given by Venerable Xuan Hui, emphasizing on the quality of compassion. She stated that the compassionate intention of relieve suffering beings will able to touch the heart the ghost and enable them to repent their sin and return the proper path, thus leaving the Preta Realm.

She mentioned that in the engraved memories (Alaya- eight consciousnesses) of the deceased, the souls which are not able to be reborn will linger in our living dimension as ghost, retaining their living habits.

Before continuing, she apologized if there are any Malays attending the talk. She expressed that during Ullambana** (she actually meant the Chinese Ghost Festival), during the feeding of the hungry ghost ceremony, those who has gifted eyes are able to see that the ghosts rushed to fight for the food. She also pointed out that, those ghosts do not consist of only Chinese but also other races. Those who are Malay, in cases of the fasting month clashes with the Chinese Ghost Festival, they will refrain themselves from eating while observing their fellow "ghost-friends" enjoying the food. Even as ghost, they carry the habit that they practiced in the past.

(Comments by the Proper faith will be given in the next post)

-Proper faith-

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ghost? Christianity vs. Buddhism (Part 2)

Ghost? A dialog among Buddhist, Catholic and Christian (Simple Translation of Article)

16th September 2010 -sin chew jit poh hall-

I attended a talk about "ghost" hosted at Sin Chew Jit Poh Hall. It was a dialog between Buddhist, Chatolic and Christian. Every speaker was given about 15~20 minutes to give their opinion regarding this issue. After all four speakers, the session was opened to the floor for Q&A.

The speaker squence was:
1) Venerable Hui Xuan, Fo Guang Shan (Buddha's Light Mountain)
2) Priest Huang DaHua, Kuala Lumpur Catholic Church
3) Pastor Enoch Lam, Hong Kong
4) Venerable Chang Hui, Fa Gu Shan (Dharma Drum Mountain)

Ghost. An all time favorite topic.

Here's the translation of the posted article.

About 1200 turned up for the dialog hosted by at Sin Chew Jit Poh Hall, looking forward to listen to the idea about ghost by four religious representatives. The seats were full and many sat on the floor as well as stood through the whole talk.

Pastor Enoch Lam sharing his thoughts on exorcism

"Science is unable to evidently proof the existence of ghost, it is just the matter of believing it or not." Being known as "Hong Kong-made Exorcist", Pastor Enoch Lam, shared that it is not easy to be possessed by demon or experience paranormal activity. However, there are two groups of people who will invite these events are the people who, (1) initiates contact with the spiritual realm, and (2) those who are borned with supernatural power. He also pointed out that most of the "demon-possesed" case examples are caused by schizophrenia.

Father Huang: "Demon are evil spirits"

Father Huang expressed that he was afraid of ghost during his childhood. Many of us never experienced any paranormal activities but we are afraid of their existence. Parents usually use "ghost" to scare their children, thus planted the seed of fear in to their mind. In Catholicism, not every priest can perform exorcism. Only priests who are certified by the church may do so.

Venerable Hui Xuan: Away from evil thoughts, away from evil spiritual disturbance

Venerable Hui Xuan expressed that in Buddhism, "Ghost" is considered as one of the sentient beings in the six domains in the desire realm. After death, based on ones karma, those with more demerits will be carried by their sins into the three (out of six) lower realm (Animal Realm, Preta or ghost Realm and Hell Realm).

According to Venerable Hui Xian, buddhists should treat all sentient beings with compassion. Rather than exorcizing ghost or looking down on them, buddhists should accept them and lend a helping hand for them to leave their lower realm and to be reborn in a better realm. "For what is in your mind, is what you will encounter". Venerable Hui Xian thinks that encountering paranormal activity relates to the character and habit of a person. As long we are able to change our poor conduct and evil mindset, we will be free from the disturbance of bad spirits.

Venerable Chang Hui: Buddhism rituals are held to liberate suffering beings

Venerable Chang Hui was very compassionate towards sentient beings in the Preta Realm. She mentioned that the deceased who are very attached to this world will be guided by their memories and habits, lingers around as ghost. We should give them a helping hand to enable them to be reborn into a better realm. Thus, many buddhism rituals are held, out of compassion, to relieve their suffering. These rituals are not pure superstition.

Venerable Chang Hui also stated that every religion has their way of dealing with these paranormal activities, whether it is exocizing or lending a helping hand to relieve suffering, it is up to the belief of individuals.

(I hope I am able to translate the article with minimum distortion)

-Proper fatih-

Ghost? Christianity vs. Buddhism (Part 1)

Ghost? A dialog among Buddhist, Catholic and Christian (Summary Article)
(This is the only post in Chinese, the translation is in part 2 and the rest of the posts are in English)
(you might not be able to visit this website because of malware attack)

I'll paste the whole article here and my opinion in my next post


* 國內
* 活動
* 星洲媒體活動

2010-09-17 18:32














Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lies Lies Lies...but why?

This is just one of the few videos which exposes the ugly nature of mankind. They might clothe themselves in ministry uniform and uphold the spear of God's words against evil, but these are the devil hidden among the innocent pure believers. (Matthew 7:15)

The video elaborates the funding of the church goes into ones pocket. After viewing this, there are still many who follows his ministry. Many who are mesmerized by his "words of God".

Today, to be on the right path, we should always follow the scriptures and the look up to characters with ethical value for guidance. (Matthew 7:18)

According to Proper faith's opinion, to identify a false prophet or evil preacher:
1) Do not be taken into by the size of his/her congregation
2) Do not be taken into by his charisma
(Devil is a master of seduction. That's how Eve fell for it)
3) Always look up upon the basic commandments (e.g. 10 Commandments)
4) Always have God's true messenger as your role model (e.g. Joseph, Job, Jesus)
5) Compare your spiritual leader with the attributes of man with high ethical values

False Prophet

Tantalizing and mesmerizing it may seems,
All these miracles which they possess,
From the righteous way they are not,
Innocent sheep astray they lead.

"After my Nirvana, in the Dharma-ending Age, these evil and deviant entities will abound, spreading like wildfire as they surreptitiously cheat others. Calling themselves good knowing advisors, they will each claim that they have attained the Unsurpassed Dharma. Enticing and deceiving the ignorant, or frightening people out of their wits, they disrupt and lay waste to households wherever they go."
-Shurangama Sutra Chapter 6-

Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.
-Jeremiah 14:14 (KJV)

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
-Matthew 24:24 (KJV)

And they say: "Why are not signs sent down to him from his Lord? Say: " The signs are only with Allah, and I am only a plain warner." Is it not sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book (Quran) which is recited to them? Verily, herein is mercy and a reminder for a people who believe.
-Surah 29:50-51-

For the devil to sent his minions into the world, clothing themselves in preaching robes (priest, pastor, monks), their ultimate aim is to lead us away from the path of the righteousness, down to the pit of fire.

Most of these "preachers" posseses prohetic knowledge and able to perform certain miracles. Their miracles are not of the righteous but the black power of the devil. They preach to capture your heart and then lead it astray. With miracles they possess, it is not hard for any lost sheep who is dying for miraculous cure and relieve to fall into in.

Sheep we are and sheep are we. Naive and innocent we can be. As one sheep is lead astray by the evil shepard, the rest will surely follow from behind.

Let me relate to you the story of Buddha when he attained Bodhi.

Mara (the devil) tried to tempt and seduce Buddha with wealth, power and his three beautiful daughters. Failing to do so, Mara sent his horde of army to charge against Buddha. The arrows of his monsters lost their sharp points and spontaneously were covered with flowers.

Mara, unable to prevent Buddha from attaining enlightenment, demand Buddha for the his proof to Buddhahood. The Buddha touched the earth with his left hand, and called the earth to be his witness of his Buddhahood. The earth gave a trembling response. Evil may never have victory against Good.

Mara threaten Buddha that he would destroy his Dharma. Buddha claimed that the Dharma he preaches are of the righteousness and will stand strong again the test of evil. Mara admited that he is no match of the Buddha's way of truth.

However, Mara prophesized. "When you have passed on and your Dharma is not firmly upheld by your disciples, I will send my minions to infiltrate into your sanga. They will put on your robe, take your form and preach my evil ways."

Buddha wept.

-Proper faith-

Monday, September 13, 2010

Blind Faith?

After watching the clip, I actually find it hillarious that there are lost sheep out there who are mislead by these false prophet. I would like to clarify that this does not apply to Christendom, it also applied to other faith as well.

At the last part of the video, about Benny Hinn (the most influential person in Evangelical Christendom), it seems that he was able to heal in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. You can google about it.
Matthew 7:22, Jesus had warned us about evil false prophets who preys on those who are gullible.

However, I was not able to embed this video ( which shows a wonderful miracle of God. It exposed the fraud of Benny Hinn but at the same time shows the miracle and divine plan God has for us.

Miracles are not something like healing the blind, curing cancers etc. I personally love the scene from Bruce Almighty where "God" (Morgan Freeman) explains about miracle.

"A single mom who is working two jobs and still finds time to take her kids to soccer practice. That's a miracle."

"You wanna see the miracle, son? Be the miracle."

To believe blindly without proper knowledge about it, no matter which religion you are in, it is called superstition. Whether you are a new convert or a coptic believer, always read the holy teachings to avoid being lead astray.

-Proper faith-