Friday, September 24, 2010

Ghost? Christianity vs. Buddhism (Part 6)

Ghost? A dialog among Buddhist, Catholic and Christian (Christian and Catholic point of view, author's comment)

-This would be last post of the dialog-

Throughout the talk, Pastor Enoch and Father Huang had kept their speeches easy-to-understand for the non-Christian faith followers.

Pastor Enoch had pointed out that it is important to understand between medical condition and paranormal activities.

#1 Ghost. Angel or Demon?

According to Pastor Enoch and Father Huang, ghost can be either be good or evil. Good ghost is called an Angel while evil ghost is called a Demon. Demons are fallen angels. Lucifer rebelled against God and was casted down to hell. He purpose is to lead man astray and away from God, using either fear or delusion.

Angels were created to serve man (Genesis 24:40) and not to be worshipped . He who is worthy of praise and worship is God alone (Deuteronomy 4:19). In the Quran 3:64 and Mark 12:28-31 emphasized that there is no commandment greater than worshipping God and only God. Worship no angel, no man, no idol but God alone.

Fear. Fearing demon possession and paranormal attacks, people starts to give offerings to the demon. Indirectly fear is bringing us to him, worshipping the rebel of God.

Delusion. Delusion is the biggest problem we will ever face. Satan will deceive us using wondrous miracles, powers and authority. In 2 Cor 4:4, it is said that the Satan blinded us to be astray from God.

How do we identify God? Have you ever seen faith healing, praying in the name of Jesus Christ heals many sickness and done wondrous miracles in transforming people's life? Even false gods, false prophets, false Christ are able to perform miracles, how are we to be spared.

With strong faith, even without the blessing from God, miracles can happen. Jesus said in Mark 5:34, faith has healed the bleeding woman (Story can be found in Mark 5:25-34). Faith alone can do miracles, thus the devil misuses the name of Jesus (Matthew 7:22) to perform miracles and disguise themselves as the living Christ (Matthew 24:24). Satan is the master of deception, therefore, beware even if they claim that they are the loyal followers of Christ and prayed in the name of Jesus Christ. Not all churches are the true follower of Jesus Christ. We were warned.

#2 Avoiding contacting the spirits

Pastor Enoch Lam warn us about contacting the spiritual realm. People who provokes the spiritual realm are prone to be possessed or encounter paranormal activities. Why should we, rather than inviting the righteousness in to our life, we invite the devil?

Even Confucius said in Analects, 敬鬼神而远之, respect the gods and supernatural but do not befriend with them.

#3 Attitude towards ghost

Pastor Enoch Lam also expressed that as Man, we should not be the servant of devils (ghosts/fallen angels).

He gave a very earthly example. Before entering the hotel room, most superstitious act done was to knock and to "inform" the ghost in the room that you will be sharing a room with them and plead for forgiveness for intruding. THIS IS WRONG! Why should we be afraid of them? In earthly view, we PAID for the room. The ghost is the one should leave the room and let the rightful owner to reside in it.

Amazing story told yet spoken with authority. We should be awaken. We are created with the breath of the Lord. We are the blessed creation on earth.

afterword by the author
I would like to thank all the readers who had followed all the post regarding this little dialog I attended. I hope I was able convey the message brought by the two venerable monks who represented Buddhism, Pastor Enoch Lam representing Christianity and Father Huang representing Catholicism.

I hope my humble comment and addon were able to bring you to a better understanding towards Buddhism and Christianity. If you have futher questions about Buddhism and Christianity, please send them to I will try my very best to find the answers to your questions.

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